Thursday, January 1, 2015

My greatest accomplishment in 2014, and my hopes for 2015

I've trained my cat not to walk on my laptop, so when it's on my lap she actually walks on my boobs. That's right, my boobs are big enough to function as a cat bridge.  That is my greatest accomplishment of 2014.  I can live with it.

Goals and hopes:

I need to get over my agoraphobia.  Hopefully I will find a medication that works for me (I'm bipolar and currently on Effexor and Lamictal), and the exposure therapy I've been doing should start helping.

Once I can go out alone and deal with public transportation, I will start volunteering at a used book store in the city.  I love volunteering, and I love organizing large sections of books, and as a bonus, for every hour worked at this store you earn a $10 credit towards books. Wins all around!

I'm hoping I'll be volunteering by the Spring, and if that goes well I will start casually dating.  I've looked for articles about "dating while fat," and nothing I've read has been encouraging, but at the very least I'll get some blog posts out of it and get to wear cute outfits for OOTD.

I will definitely (knock fucking wood) get into the vet technician program two train rides away from me, so my biggest goal and hope for 2015 is that I will be able to make the commute and handle classes.  I have a BA, so I can transfer credit for almost all of the "core" classes such as English and foreign language, so I will only be taking classes part time and that will be a big help.  Plus, school is what I'm best at, and the validation that comes from feeling productive should help immensely with my depression.

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